Fire Damage, Smoke/Soot /Ash, Asbestos and Lead Assessment

Wildfires produce toxic smoke that contain a variety of harmful chemicals. These materials can land on household surfaces in your home, thus potentially causing serious health risks. Our certified consulting team will survey your property for hazardous materials and provide in-depth consultative reporting for your peace of mind or to even help expedite your insurance claim.

Assure your property is safe to return to

Post-wildfire Safety Assessment Services

Quick Response

We understand the importance of assessing your property’s safety quickly so that you feel comfortable returning home. That’s why we respond and schedule services quickly to provide the necessary testing, consulting and assurance you deserve.

Hazardous Dust testing

Even just being nearby a wildfire, hazards like Smoke/Soot/Ash/Char, Asbestos and Lead can enter your property and affect air quality.

Insurance Assistance

We recommend doing testing first and foremost if your property is near a wildfire. Our in-depth consultative reporting may possibly be able to assist with pursuing an insurance claim for professional cleaning, and potentially cover the cost of testing. After 9 years in business, we have experience working with most major insurance providers.

In-depth Consultative Reporting

Not just lab results. We identify and assess the scope of work required to clean your property based on what hazardous materials we find, if any.

Fire is only the start of damage

In the aftermath of a fire, hazards extend beyond soot and smoke, encompassing the potential release of dangerous substances such as lead paint and asbestos. These toxic elements, once disturbed by the fire, can become airborne and disperse throughout your neighborhood, posing significant health risks to everyone in the area.